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My tools

My own made free tools can be downloaded from this page. They are all freeware and may not be sold.

EEP Window restore tool

Free tool for restoring the EEP-windows on the desktop (Control dialogue, Overview window, Event window, LUA Script editor).

Languages : English, German and French.

Current version : V2.02

  download ZIP
Manual :
Need to see what this program does ? Check out the manuals :
          - English manual
          - German manual
Installation :
No setup required, download the package and unpack the files in a folder of your choice.

EEP Model Multiplier

Free tool for duplication of models with exchangeable textures.

Languages : English, German, Dutch, French and Spanish.

Current version : V4.08

  download ZIP
  download installer
Manual :
Need to see what this program does ? Check out the manuals :
          - English manual
          - German manual
          - Spanish manual
Installation :
ZIP : no setup required, download the package and unpack the files in a folder of your choice.
INSTALLER : download and run the file. Follow the instructions.
See here how it works (German spoken)

EEP Texture Multiplier

Free tool for creating textures (only for featured models).

Languages : English and German.

Current version : V3.14

  download ZIP
  download installer


The program can install fonts temporarily if chosen in the program settings. At program exit these fonts are released.

In some (rare) cases the program seems not to start, allthough it started running in the background. The reason is that Windows isn't notified some fonts are temporarily installed, this is caused by other programs running on the computer.

In that case it's better to use the loading of internal fonts or to install the extra fonts permanent on your computer by right click on the font names (in the folder "Fonts") and choose the option "Install".

Manual :
Need to see what this program does ? Check out the manuals :
          - English manual
          - German manual
Installation :
ZIP : no setup required, download the package and unpack the files in a folder of your choice.
INSTALLER : download and run the file. Follow the instructions.

EEP Inventory Exporter

Free tool for creating an Excel list of all models/textures/documentation/LUA-files/GBS-files in the Resourcen-folders of the personal available EEP-versions.

Languages : English, German and French.

Current version : V2.07

  download ZIP
Manual :
Need to see what this program does ? Check out the manuals :
          - English manual
          - German manual
Installation :
No setup required, download the package and unpack the files in a folder of your choice.

EEP-17+ Settings editor

Free tool for EEP 17 and above, designed to easily change the paths of some settings in EEP and make this changes to the Windows registry.

Languages : English and German.

Current version : V2.03

  download ZIP
Manual :
Need to see what this program does ? Check out the manuals :
          - English manual
          - German manual
Installation :
No setup required, download the package and unpack the files in a folder of your choice.

EEP HomeNos Project manager

Free tool for managing HomeNos projects (version 13 and above)

Languages : English, German, French and Spanish.

(Note : this tools replaces HomeNos Project duplicator)

Current version : V2.05

  downloaden ZIP
Manual :
Need to see what this program does ? Check out the manuals :
          - English manual
          - German manual
          - Spanish manual
Installation :
No setup required, download the package and unpack the files in a folder of your choice.